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Digital Signal Processing by Proakis is a comprehensive coverage of all the topics in DSP with lots of numerical examples. This book is the Guru of all other books. This book will go a long way in reaching out to the needs of creative students.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Digital Communications by Proakis is one of the best books in this field. It includes all the aspects of modern day communications. This updated version is a powerhouse of information.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Wireless Communication by Rappaport provides a wideband coverage of mobile and wireless communication in a precise manner. The book has gained popularity over the years and is one of the best for mobile communication. All the communication fundamentals are linked to this book.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Antennas and Radiowave Propagation by Collin is a traditional orthodox book for antennas and propagation with lots of mathematical derivations and diagrams. The book takes you for a ride into deeper levels of understanding. Readers will get hooked to this book but it takes time to appreciate the concepts.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Wireless Communications by Poor and Wornell is a fusion of communication and signal model. It enriches the wireless theme from a signals point of view. This book is for those who can't get enough of wirless knowledge and want to learn more.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare mirror1 rapidshare
WIRELESS NETWORKS - P.Nicopolitidis, M.S.Obaidat, G.I. papadimitria, A.S. Pomportsis
Wireless Networks is one book which looks in to the future of wireless mobile communications. It presents a more network oriented approach to wireless communication. This is a good book for beginners and it covers all topics comprehensively. The presentation of the concepts deserves a special mention.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Wireless Communications by Goldsmith is a quality book for wireless communications. The book covers more topics on Digital Communication than wireless. All units are well explained with numerical derivations and ilustrations.This one is for the purist and is a good information bank.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication by Tse and Viswanath is a refreshingly different learning experience. The book looks at wireless communication from the perspective of the communicating channel and buids on the various aspects in a fading environment. This book covers several new topics most of which are still on paper. This book has good foresight into the future.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Data and Computer Communications by Stallings is one of the most celebrated books for computer networks. The book gives more importance to the bottom layers in the protocol stack covering every basic concept with nice description. This book gives equal importance to the electronics side of networking apart from the conceptual illustrations.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Modern Wireless Communications is a collection of the recent developments in wireless communications. The book is written in the usual simon haykin style with more mathematical models and theoretical explanations. A handsome book to develop your wireless knowledge.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Wireless Communications and Networking by Vijay Garg is a book which gives more importance to fundamentals of cellular communication and mobile networking. The solved numerical problems help us to understand the topics much better. The book maintains a good balance between theory and practice.
DOWNLOAD LINK: rapidshare
Field and Wave Electromagnetics by David Cheng explores the world of electric and magnetic fields before proceeding to transmission lines and waveguides and finally explaining about antennas. This is a classical text with better accuracy and balance. This book is suitable for undergraduate students who love electromagnetics.
DOWNLOAD LINK rapidshare
Fundamentals of Telecommunications by Freeman is a cool book covering every facet of communication. This book runs through wired communication basics, signaling, switching, optical, wireless, data communications, networking, satellite and cellular communications. You will find almost anything about communication in this book.
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Lirik Gitar KOTAK - Masih Cinta
Waktu berdetik
Tak mungkin bisa ku hentikan
Maumu jadi mauku
Pahitpun itu ku tersenyum
Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Air mataku
Biar terjatuh dalam hati
Mau ku tak penting lagi
Biar ku buat bahagiamu
Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
Jadi diriku, yang masih cinta
Kamu tak tahu hancurnya hatiku
Saat berhadapan kamu
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
Jadi diriku, yang masih cinta

Kord Gitar KOTAK - Masih Cinta
Intro : A E F#m 2x
E C#m
F#m B
Waktu berdetik
G#m C#m A B
Tak mungkin bisa ku hentikan
E C#m F#m B
Maumu jadi mauku
G#m C#m A B
Pahitpun itu ku tersenyum
A B G#m C#
Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
F#m B E
Saat berhadapan kamu
E C#m
F#m B
Air mataku
G#m C#m A B
Biar terjatuh dalam hati
E C#m F#m B
Mau ku tak penting lagi
G#m C#m A B
Biar ku buat bahagiamu
A B G#m C#
Kamu tak tahu rasanya hatiku
F#m B E
Saat berhadapan kamu
A B G#m C#
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
F#m Am B A
Jadi diriku, yang masih cinta
interlute : A G#m F#m 2x B
A B G#m C#
Kamu tak tahu hancurnya hatiku
F#m B E
Saat berhadapan kamu
A B G#m C#
Kamu tak bisa bayangkan rasanya
F#m Am B E
Jadi diriku, yang masih cinta
Code : F#m A D
Yang blm punya lagu'y donlot ya, lagu'y bagus deh

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Kotak - Masih Cinta
Kotak full album ke-2 link 1 or link 2
RollBack RX Professional - Gantinya DeepFreeze
or males bolak-balik format C:/ yg gara2 windows err,kena virus... ini solusi'y...
Gak usah nunggu status kompi ampe THAWED dulu supaya bisa langsung maintenance..
Pake ini, elo bisa langsung update komputer. Selesai update, langsung pilih UPDATE BASELINE. Komputer restart dan membuat titik komputer baru. Setiap komputer restart, komputer akan kembali ke keadaan terakhir STATUS UPDATE BASELINE tadi. Untuk lebih lengkapnya, ikuti tutor dibawah
Cuma nambah 0.07% dari total kapasitas hardisk
Cuma butuh 3 detik buat snapshot backup terbaru
Bikin snapshot backup gak perlu direstart.. kagak kayak deepfreeze
dan lain-lain… buka aja situs resminya dah
Cara install Rollback di hardisk 2 partisi, saat instalasi, pilih Custom waktu dipilihan partisi, ceklis partisi yang hendak di freeze
Langkah konfigurasi RollBack ala caranibieros
1. klik kanan icon rollback deket jam pilih Rollback RX
2. Pilih User Settings pindahin ke Enable access control sorot administrator pilih properties. Masukkin password 2 x, klik change. Abis di oke. Ntar di tampilan yang ada Enable access control di klik Apply masukkin password yang tadi dah
3. Buka program settings -> program appearance
klik point 2 sama 4. di Advance Settings ilangin semua centang kecuali 2 centang di tulisan Defrag Snapshot (ada 2 point aja disini yang dicentang) jangan lupa ama tombol Ok
4. add schedule task. Schedule task -> restore system; schedule type -> restart yang lain gak usah di oprek2. Langsung aja save
Dengan konfig diatas, setiap kompi restart, keadaan kompi masuk ke keadaan yang ada di bagian Snapshot Management di bagian Installation
Kalo mau update, gak usah cari status thawed.. kagak ada disini .. langsung aja hajar kompi lw dengan update-an, kalo dah selesai baru pilih Update Baseline - > Restart
Moga sukses deh gak direpotin Difris lagi (sumber:mbahe google)
cobaiin dolo deh...donlot program
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or Rollback.Rx.Pro.7.2.1 donlot link 1 or link 2
ps : jika tdk bs bk password software n crack,carilah gogling aja ndiri...